Muesli Yield Token
The yield farming reward token of MuesliSwap - 100% community committed
MuesliSwap is adding Liquidity Pools to both Milkomeda and Cardano mainnet step by step. To incentivize liquidity provision within the MuesliSwap protocol, we introduce the Muesli Yield Token.
The main utility of Muesli Yield is that it can be staked to earn MILK buy options.
By staking the Muesli Yield Token, you can transform it into MILK call options (1 call option = 1 MILK token) with an exercise price of 1 ADA, and without any expiry date. That means for 100 Myield you stake you get the option to buy a MILK token for 1 ADA.
You stake 100 MYIELD for 30 days to get 1 MILK buy option. After 30 days, the staked MYIELD will be burned.
Please note: MYIELD will be burnt after earning the MILK call option. Initially, we have announced different tokenomics for Milkomeda and extra MILK options will be distributed through a snapshot on Milkomeda to make up for this change (more information soon).
MILK will still be the main governance and utility token for both MuesliSwap on Milkomeda and Cardano mainnet.
Note: Staking of Muesli Yield tokens is expected to go live once Liquidity pools and yield farming are launched on Cardano mainnet.
This is the first time ever that you can farm call options. We are excited to bring new professional trading instruments to the Cardano network - keeping MuesliSwap at the forefront of innovation in DeFi.
MuesliYield Tokenomics
Initial Supply: 100,000,000 Muesli Yield tokens (-> 1,000,000 MILK call options) - 300,000 options reserved for Milkomeda and 700,000 options for Cardano mainnet
Ticker: MYIELD Distribution Timeline: 18 months (see chart below)
MuesliSwap Yield tokens will be distributed through yield farming on Milkomeda (30%) and Cardano mainnet (70%) - (subject to change). After the 18 month initial distribution period the farming incentives will be decided through a community vote.
An additional 110,000 MILK will be distributed to the Milkomeda community to make up for our tokenomics changes.
FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
What are LP tokens? When you provide liquidity to either MuesliSwap Milkomeda or MuesliSwap Cardano Mainnet Liquidity Pools, you will receive LP tokens that represent your share in the liquidity pool. We will be adding farming for some Liquidity Pools, which means that you can stake your LP tokens and receive Muesli Yield as a reward.
What can I do with my Muesli Yield tokens? You can either directly trade your Muesli Yield tokens or stake them so that you can earn MILK call options. Please note that after the MILK call options are distributed you can only
What does it mean to receive a MILK call option? The call option tracks our underlying MILK token. The exercise price is 1 ADA and has an unlimited run time. The call option will also be listed for trading on MuesliSwap. We are more than excited to announce that you are now able to yield a call option - for the first time ever on Cardano! One call option can be exchanged for 1 MILK token.
Are you going to mint new MILK to cover the call options? No, we are not creating new MILK tokens. MILK will still have a total supply of 10 million tokens. The tokens will come from the not yet distributed MILK token.
What other utilities can I expect from MYIELD? As MILK is our main governance token you can only expect a limited set of features from MYIELD including farming on both Cardano mainnet, Milkomeda and access to some Milkomeda features.
Muesli Yield Token Distribution - 100% community committed / 0% for team or investors
30% of the Muesli Yield tokens will be distributed on Milkomeda (30,000,000) and 70% on Cardano mainnet (70,000,000) for Liquidity Provision. (This ratio is based on our initial estimate and can be changed if the Total Value Locked between both blockchains substantially differs.). This means we have 300,000 MILK options reserved for Milkomeda and 700,000 MILK options reserved for Cardano mainnet.
Please note that this is our preliminary plan to incentivize liquidity provision and is subject to change.
The policy ID of MYIELD on the Cardano Network is 8f9c32977d2bacb87836b64f7811e99734c6368373958da20172afba
The contract address of MYIELD on Milkomeda is 0x2D7289Df2f41a25D3A628258081aD7B99eb4C83B
Last updated
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